Individualized. Relevant.

Mike provides coaching for professional and personal empowerment, in three unique contexts:

  • 1-on-1 Transformational Coaching      

  • Life Excellence Group Training

  • Keynote/Conference Speaking

In each of these contexts, Mike works with you to individualize these services to best serve the needs in your setting. You are the hero in this story, on a hero’s journey, and you are called to greatness. Mike loves seeing people experience deep success in both life and vocation, and will craft his process to provide unique tools and encouragement relevant for your flourishing.

Mike takes a holistic approach to being our coach in including the connection of spirit, mind and body. He’s upbeat, optimistic and hopeful, always finding the upside and lessons of life’s frustrating experiences. Time with Mike feels like talking with an old friend who not only teaches from his extensive leadership and life experience, but also listens to you as a life-long learner himself.
— Forrest and Janie Ward, Coaching clients

1-on-1 Coaching

1-on-1 Coaching

Step 1: Contact Mike, and book a complimentary 45 minute consultation.

Step 2: During the consultation, together you and Mike will identify immediate goals to accomplish, and enter into a Coaching Agreement.

I’ve known Mike for many years and have always appreciated his intuitive knack for asking the right questions at the right time. His coaching is chockfull of wise insight and practical application. If you’re looking for someone who will add value to your journey, look no further. Mike is your man.
— Les Parrott, Ph.D. Bestselling author and founder of

Life Excellence
Group Training

Life Excellence Group Training

Step 1: Contact Mike, and book an Exploratory Conversation.

Step 2: Working together, you and Mike will discuss group needs, training expectations, and land on dates.

Step 3: Book your Training.


Keynote & Conference Speaking

Step 1: Contact Mike, and book an Exploratory Conversation.

Step 2: During this conversation, together you and Mike will discuss Organizational goals, in order to craft a strategic, inspirational approach that partners with your Organization’s mission and values. In this context, Mike is most interested in how he is able to play a support role for you, as well as meet the needs of your organization.

Step 3: Book your Speaking Engagement.